20kg in 20 months; or, how spontaneity became part of the plan
Fitness & Thinking Fridays, from Beth's perspective
At the beginning of 2023, I set myself a significant goal: to lose weight and get back into running. Like many others, I turned to familiar tools like Strava and Nike Run Club to track my progress. However, while these apps kept me on course with my runs, my approach to the gym was far less structured. I was essentially winging it. My one weekly session with a friend had become more of a social catch-up than a serious workout, and I wasn’t even aware that I should be tracking my lifts. It was a routine, but it wasn’t getting me anywhere.
Fast forward to October, and everything changed when I met Jack, aka @coachjackmann. From just working out with him on a random Saturday, it was clear that his approach was different. As we rested and chatted between sets he was able to identify the gaps in my routine—basic yet crucial aspects like staying hydrated and consuming enough protein, which I’d been overlooking. I also discovered that my diet was completely out of sync with my activity levels; I was eating the same way whether I was clocking up the miles or just lounging at home.
Knowing how busy I was before Christmas, however, I didn’t commit to starting a new plan. When my weight went up again following a holiday at the start of 2024, and Jack could tell I was frustrated, we sat down together and – like he does with everyone I’ve met that he works with – we put a structured plan in place that addressed the big and small changes I could make without significantly adding to the time I was already spending on my fitness each week.
And since January, I’ve experienced a transformation that goes far beyond just numbers on a scale. Jack's undoubtedly helped me refocus my goal from simply fat loss to body recomposition: I'm now more bothered about looking and feeling stronger than I am seeing the number on the scale go down. And, case in point, my legs have become stronger, I’ve shed inches off my waist, and I’m now building a strong back and glutes—something I’m genuinely proud of! 💪

Jack’s comprehensive approach didn’t just help me lose weight; it also supported my recovery from a running injury earlier this year. I’ve learned how to train more effectively, and as a result, my running pace has improved, even after a setback. This isn’t just about fitness; it’s about smarter training and sustainable habits.
Jack’s note: Beth’s run club app was massively increasing her workload week on week and where she could tell me that she’d noticed a twinge or that she was slowing down, the app just suggested more work. And, unsurprisingly to a coach or seasoned athlete but maybe not to someone who has invested in a branded app and a trendy smart watch and well reviewed trainers, Beth’s achilles went with a whimper – rather than a bang, thankfully!
We spoke with my dad who ran for Scottish Universities and had hands-on experience of running injuries and dealing with setbacks, and Beth and I set about rehabilitating her ankle while keeping her moving and healthy through gym work and food. That Beth came back stronger and faster, and also used this as a moment to work on mobility, is huge testament to her character, for sure, but also indicative of how just running more is rarely the right approach to getting better at running or, as Beth was conscious of either side of the Dubrovnik half marathon, toning up.

One of the things I appreciate most about Jack’s coaching is that spontaneity is part of the plan. You don’t have to give up the foods you love or miss out on special occasions. Whether it’s indulging in cheesecake (which, if you follow us, you know we love) or enjoying a night out, Jack teaches that balance is key. You can still relish your favourite treats while working towards your goals.
All these achievements have come while I’ve been juggling a full-on job, a busy social life, managing The Tortured Runners Department, and even learning to drive. So, if you’re wondering whether you’re too busy to work with a coach, don’t let that stop you. Jack’s approach is all about making the most of the time you do have, no matter how limited it may seem.

Trust the process, and you might just be amazed at what you can accomplish. ✨
Words and images by Beth. Check her out on Instagram @bettykirkers and, if you’re based in Sheffield and like to run, make sure to check out @torturedrunners too!
The rest of the year
On the 24th of December, I’m going to wish my clients happy holidays or a merry xmas and close my laptop.
I’m telling you this because I know how many people are coming back from their summer holidays feeling fluffy and already anxious about the annual Q4 weight gain and Q1 revenge diet and exercise plan.
You see, three months is my typical minimum period for taking on new clients as it’ll give us enough time to get you results and make newer and typically more productive behaviours habitual; so, come late December, you’re not: denying yourself things, eating and drinking for the sake of it or dreading overcrowded gyms in the new year.
Like most people I work with, Beth had every intention of living healthily and working out with intensity. The issue was, the more she tried to diet or exercise, the more likely she was to get frustrated or injured and find herself three steps back. Once you’ve got a plan in place, however, as well as someone to keep you accountable – who loves the responsibility of telling you when to push and pull back, eat more or rest, work harder or get some bloody sleep – your capacity for change will explode.
Whether you have running or fat loss or muscle building goals – or all three! – I’ll meet you where you are and take you where you want to go.
Your fitness journey
If you’ve made it this far and you’re ready to start your own transformation, to build both a strong body and mind, simply reply to this newsletter with your name and email address and I’ll share more details. Alternatively, you can directly book in a free call with me to learn how we’ll work together.
But be warned: this isn’t your typical online coaching programme. This is me working hands-on with you 1:1, providing you with every tool needed to hit your goals. I’ll put a structure in place that you may be lacking and ensure you stay accountable to both you and me.
If investing in your health and fitness isn’t a top priority, you aren’t open to changing your current habits and/or you don’t feel ready to trust someone else to guide you, then coaching may not be for you, and that’s okay!
You can subscribe to this newsletter to make sure you’re up to date with my latest thinking on health and fitness or follow me on social media @coachjackmann for more coaching stories and informative videos and daft photos and the behind the scenes of coaching while traveling the world.
And that’s it from me!
As ever, thank you for your support. I wouldn’t be here without you.
Much love
Jack x