"My initial plan was to feel better about myself..."
Fitness & Thinking Fridays, from Lucy's perspective
It’s Friday night and I’m watching Seinfeld for the second time with big fuck off pint of water, having been at work all day, been to the gym, had a bath and gotten into my comfortable clothing. Comfortable physically because it is miles too big and comfortable mentally because it wasn’t always miles too big.*
Usually I would be napping now, but instead I’m about to cook a reyt nice tea and get ready for a day out tomorrow, catching up with a friend who I haven’t seen for too long due and I’m so excited. Partially because I know I won’t be nursing a hangover or Sunday blues the following day as I’m going on a big ass walk and mostly because I've missed her and I still absolutely will be having gins!
It’s been a manic week at work which began with me getting ill and having to slow down a little – something that would ordinarily throw me off kilter. It didn’t, though. I smashed the second part of the week – which has been the common way lately!
14 weeks ago, I would have allowed my illness and manic week to have ruined the entire month. I’d have moped, wallowed, comfort eaten and drank too much. Not only did I not do any of that – I couldn’t have thought of doing anything fucking worse.
My initial plan was to feel better about myself and to actually feel good about the countless pictures my friends take – because I want to keep doing plenty of stuff I’d like to look back on – and I hadn’t enjoyed seeing pictures of me (or mirrors, for that matter).
And 14 weeks on, I am lighter. Literally, mentally and (I almost cringe as I write this but there’s no other way to explain it) spiritually. I genuinely am being a better, more efficient, energetic and funnier (though there was already a high bar) person. I have changed in subtle ways yet feel much more like myself. And I’m enjoying documenting the fun stuff I’m doing now. I’m enjoying the fun stuff more, too. I’m making bigger plans and even playing out on school nights – all because I have the energy to do so!
On the whole, it’s been beyond beneficial to me. It’s also worth mentioning that there wasn’t one point of questioning or finding things difficult. It was brilliant to chat shit, along with making big plans for the following week and feeling like every single accomplishment (no matter how small I felt it was) was acknowledged. I thoroughly enjoyed the ways in which I was supported and feel like I made a friend in the process! I cannot thank you enough, Jack!
*This was a pair of jogging bottoms and a hoodie from Vinted and I got them in a size 12 – which I’ve always been, or, not always been, but have been for a fucking long time – and they’re miles too big, which I’m annoyed about but what a brilliant thing to be annoyed about. Maybe I’m ready for a fucking size 10 mate.
Words and photos: Lucy Jones’ @lercerjenes
Jack: it’s been a treat to see Lucy’s confidence grow over these past few months and to hear how she built her training and food into her stacked work weeks and social events and even a holiday to Spain.
Every Sunday, we caught up on the gym sessions becoming not just enjoyable but maybe even addictive, the compliments from friends and family and colleagues each week and her energy increasing the more she moved. And, just as importantly, even when things felt tougher, we had a laugh about it.
Fitness – like size 12 clothes not fitting anymore and having energy for everything – is a part of Lucy’s life now; if you’d like your clothes to be too big for you while saying yes to everything going into Christmas, reply to this newsletter with the opening word “LUCY”, and, together, we’ll chat about your goals like Lucy and I did back in the summer.
And that’s it from me!
Much love and I’ll see yas in the next one
Jack x